How to Save Money to Start a Family    

Save money to start a family in Nigeria

Starting a family is a dream come true for many of us. It’s a journey filled with joy, wonders, and memories that last a lifetime. But let’s face reality, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Raising a family comes with a lot of responsibilities, from the moment you bring your little bundle of joy home to the day they graduate from university (and beyond). 

The costs can be overwhelming, from everyday essentials to education expenses. 

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this guide, we’ll share some practical tips and strategies to help you save money and manage your finances, whether you’re just starting a family or already have one. 

How Much Money Should you Have Saved Before Starting a Family? 

How much money should you have saved before starting a family? It’s a question that’s crossed many minds, not only yours, and the answer is deeply personal. To figure it out, take a close look at your income, savings, and what feels like enough for your lifestyle.

Having a financial head start in place can be a total game-changer, in fact, it’s like having a cozy safety net to catch you when the whirlwind of parenthood hits. And let’s be real, that peace of mind and support can be a total lifesaver.  

Family man with his wife and kid

How to Save Money to Start a Family 

Establishing Savings Goals  

1. Define your family goals: Take a moment to visualize the type of family life you desire. Do you dream of traveling with your children, providing them with the best education, or building a comfortable home in the city where you reside? Understanding your aspirations will help you set clear savings goals. 

2. Analyze your current income and expenses: Start by tracking your spending habits to identify areas where you can cut costs. Prioritize essential expenses like housing, utilities, bills, and groceries, and look for ways to cut down unnecessary expenses. 

3. Determine your timeline: Whether you’re planning to start a family soon or already have one, it is very important to establish a timeline for your financial goals. This will help you allocate resources efficiently, effectively and plan for upcoming expenses. 

4. Estimate your expenses: When you’re figuring out how much to save, don’t forget to factor in the costs associated with childbirth, healthcare, and ongoing child-rearing. Think about all the expenses that come with having a little one, like diapers, formula, childcare, and education. You want to make sure you’re adequately prepared for all the costs that come with raising a little human. 

5. Set a target savings amount: Now that you’ve got a handle on your expenses, it’s time to crunch some numbers and figure out how much you need to save to cover those initial costs comfortably. Having a specific savings target will be a huge motivator, as it will keep you focused and driven to reach your financial goals. Plus, it’s a great feeling to know exactly how much you need to save and be able to work towards that goal. 

6. Allocate funds for savings: Make saving a priority by automating transfers to your savings account. Set up recurring transfers from your paycheck, so you can ensure that you’re consistently contributing to your savings goals. 

So, if you’ve already got a family, or you’re all set on saving up for one, either way, saving money as a family is a whole different story. Let’s explore different family peculiarities or makeup if you will, and explore different ways to save money for it. 

How Can a Family Save Money? 

Because every family is different, we will explore various areas and cover strategies to help you save money tailored to the unique makeup or peculiarity of your family. 

We can classify a family makeup by its size: 

How to Save Money as a Family of 4 

1. Meal Planning and Bulk Buying: It’s a very good way to streamline your grocery shopping and minimize waste. And, buying items in bulk can actually help you save money in the long run, especially when it comes to staples like rice, pasta, and canned goods. 

2. Hand-Me-Downs and Second-Hand Shopping: Consider embracing hand-me-downs and second-hand shopping for your kids’ clothes, toys, and other essentials. Not only will you be kinder to your wallet, but you’ll also be doing your part for the planet by reducing waste and living more sustainably. 

3. Family Entertainment at Home: Do you want to make some amazing memories with your loved ones without breaking the bank? If yes, then plan some fun activities at home. You can have a blast with movie nights (complete with homemade popcorn, of course), you could also try board game tournaments like Draft, Dice and even DIY craft sessions. There are tons of ways to have quality time together as a family without breaking the bank. 

4. Budgeting for Extracurricular Activities: You can learn to prioritize your children’s interests while staying within your budget by carefully planning and budgeting for

extracurricular activities. This you can do by looking out for affordable options or considering alternative activities that offer similar benefits without the hefty price tag.  

5. Energy Conservation at Home: Lower your utility bills by implementing energy-saving practices at home. Simple habits like turning off lights and electronic appliances when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, can add up to significant savings over time. 

How to Save Money with a Large Family (6 or More Members) 

1. Public Transport: Using public transport is a great way to save some cash. Not only is it way more affordable than owning and maintaining multiple vehicles, but it’s also a much more environmentally friendly option. Plus, think of all the stress you’ll avoid by not having to worry about traffic and parking. 

2. Bulk Cooking and Meal Prepping: You can streamline meal time by preparing large batches of food in advance and freezing individual portions for later use. This saves time during busy weekdays, and also helps reduce food waste and overall expenses on food. 

3. Clothing Exchanges and Hand-Me-Downs: Take advantage of your numbers and make the most of hand-me-downs (passing down clothes worn by an older sibling to a younger sibling) and clothing exchanges within your family, you can outfit everyone without breaking the bank. Plus, this approach saves you money and fosters a sense of unity and love among family members.  

4. DIY Home Repairs and Maintenance: By tackling minor home repairs and maintenance tasks yourself, you can save on labor costs. And, with a little research on YouTube or Google, and the right tools, you can handle many household repairs independently, which will save you money in the process. 

5. Shared Childcare and Playdates: When you coordinate with other families to organize shared childcare arrangements and playdates, you can alternate responsibilities and pool resources, which reduces child care expenses and provides social opportunities for your children. 

6. Practice Savings No Matter How Small: Every little bit adds up, so make saving a consistent habit for your family, no matter its size. Encourage everyone to contribute to savings goals, whether it’s by setting aside spare change, cutting back on non-essential expenses, or finding other ways to save, every bit surely counts.

We can classify a family based on its Income Level 

How to Save Money for a Middle-Class Family 

Financial Planning and Budgeting: Try to create a comprehensive budget so you’ll be able to track income and expenses, monitor your spending habits and cut down unnecessary costs. Set clear financial goals and develop a plan to achieve them, and regularly review and adjust the budget to stay on track. 

Emergency Fund: Do you know that building an emergency fund is important to cushion you against unexpected expenses or financial setbacks? Having a safety net in place can provide you with peace of mind and prevent the need to dip into your savings or take on debt during challenging times. 

Shopping Smart: As a middle-class family, be a savvy shopper by taking advantage of sales, discounts, and cashback apps. By being strategic and intentional with your spending, you can stretch your penny further and save money on everyday purchases. 

Investment Strategies: Consider growing your savings over time through low-risk investment options. By exploring investment opportunities, you can potentially increase your wealth and work towards achieving your long-term financial goals. 

Education Savings Plans: Plan for your children’s future educational expenses, such as university tuition, by setting up a dedicated savings account or investment plan. By starting early and regularly contributing to this account, you can alleviate the financial burden of higher education for your family and give your children the best possible start in life. 

How to Save Money Fast for a low-income family 

Focus on Essentials: You can prioritize spending on essential needs for your family, such as housing, food, and healthcare, and make sure to distinguish between wants and needs so you can allocate your limited resources efficiently and effectively. 

Cutting Non-Essential Expenses: Identify areas where you can trim unnecessary expenses, like subscription services or dining out, to free up more money for your family’s savings or essential needs. By making conscious choices to cut back on non-essential spending, you can allocate your resources more efficiently and make a big impact. 

Utilize public Resources: Take advantage of available government and other social  programs such as using cheaper Lagos BRT buses vs the regular public transport, using government hospitals for your children or taking advantage of government funded health programs. 

Flexible Income Opportunities: Consider exploring some side hustles or flexible work options to increase your income potential and improve your family’s financial stability. By supplementing your primary income with additional sources of revenue, you can accelerate your savings goals and enhance your family’s well-being. 

Debt Management: Take control of your debt by developing a plan to reduce it. Consider negotiating a payment plan with your creditors to make your payments more manageable. 

Family classified by age – newly married couples with two children or less 

How to Save Money for a Young Family 

Start Saving Early: Practice saving early for long-term financial goals, like buying a home or funding your children’s education, and remember too that even small contributions you make over time can add up significantly and provide a solid financial foundation for your family’s future. 

Budget for Childcare: Make sure to plan ahead and budget for childcare expenses, whether it’s for daycare services or one parent staying home with your child, so you can avoid financial strain and ensure quality care for your children. 

Take Advantage of New Family Discounts: A lot of online stores offer discounts, seek out these discounts and offers tailored to your stage in life, like new parent perks or child related discounts, and capitalize on these opportunities to save money on essential items and services for your growing family. 

Plan for Future Expenses: Anticipate future family expenses, like healthcare, education, and insurance, and set aside funds accordingly, so you can better manage your finances and prepare for the future.

Set Up Joint Financial Goals: Set and work towards joint financial goals as a couple or family, aligning your financial priorities and working together towards common objectives, which will strengthen your financial bond and help you achieve greater success in your financial journey. 

Find Free or Low-Cost Family Activities: Enjoy free or affordable activities with your family, like a picnic in the park, a nature hike, or a family game night at home, which provide valuable opportunities for quality time without breaking the bank.  

Best way to save money to finance family goals

As a family man, there are lost of family needs and expenses that you need to save money for. This can be for your kids’ school fees, family vacation. welcoming a new born, etc. Using Sycamore NG target contribution is the best way to save money to reach all your family goals. The reasons are simple, the app offers high interest on your savings and allows you to automate the saving process so other of life’s demands does not get in the way.

Setting up and saving towards reaching your family goal with the app is as simple as downloading the app on any of your mobile stores, creating an account in minutes, name your goal and start saving towards it.

young family man and wife

How to Save Money on Every Core Area of Family Life 

Whether you are looking to start or you already have a family, these are the core areas that every family spends the most money on. Discover how to save money on these core areas of family life. 

Celebrations and Festivities 

Planning ahead and setting a budget can help you avoid overspending during celebrations and festivities like birthdays and Christmas. 

Here are some additional tips: 

● Make homemade gifts or cards to add a personal touch without breaking the bank. 

● Consider organizing potluck-style gatherings where everyone contributes to the food, reducing the overall cost of food. 

● Take advantage of sales and discounts throughout the year to stock up on decorations and gifts for future occasions. 

Welcoming a Newborn 

When preparing for a new baby arrival, consider these money-saving strategies for your family: 

● Shop second-hand for baby clothes, furniture, and accessories to save on costs. 

● Buy essentials like diapers and wipes in bulk to take advantage of discounts and reduce the overall cost per item. 

● Borrow items like cribs and strollers from friends or family members who no longer need them, saving you money on purchasing new items.

Kids Starting or Returning to School 

Prepare for the school year as a family without breaking the bank by: 

● Planning and saving ahead for back-to-school expenses like uniforms, textbooks, and school supplies. 

● Reuse old school supplies and uniforms if they are still in good condition, rather than buying new ones. 

● Cook lunches at home instead of purchasing them at school, which can save you money in the long run and ensure your child eats healthy, homemade meals. 

Buying Clothes 

Save money on clothing purchases as a family by: 

● Shopping second-hand at thrift stores or online marketplaces for gently used items at a fraction of the cost. 

● Properly caring for clothes to extend their lifespan, including washing them according to care instructions and repairing any damages promptly. 


Your family can reduce its food and grocery bill by: 

● Buying food in bulk to take advantage of discounts and reduce the cost per serving. 

● Cooking meals at home instead of dining out, which can save you money and allow you to control portion sizes and ingredients.  

Energy and Utility Bills 

As a family, you can lower your energy costs by: 

● Using energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs to reduce electricity usage and save money on utility bills. 

● Unplugging appliances and electronics when not in use to avoid unnecessary energy consumption and lower your electricity bill.


Save money on transportation expenses as a family by: 

● Purchasing a reliable, second-hand vehicle instead of buying new to save on depreciation costs. 

● Using public transportation or carpooling whenever possible to reduce fuel expenses and wear and tear on your vehicle. 


You can save on rent and live within your means as a family with these tips:

● Rent a home or apartment that fits comfortably within your budget, avoid overspending on housing expenses. 

● Negotiate with landlords for lower rent or seeking out more affordable housing options in your area. 

Family Entertainment and Outings 

Plan family activities such as entertainment wisely by: 

● Setting a budget for entertainment and outings based on your household income and expenses. 

● Choose free or low-cost activities like picnics in the park, visiting local museums to save money while still enjoying quality time together. 


Manage your giving responsibly by: 

● Being mindful of your financial limitations and giving within your means, whether it’s to in-laws, at functions, or to others in need. 

● Consult with your partner to establish giving priorities and budget for charitable donations or gifts accordingly.

Household Items and Repurchases 

Save money on household items as a family by: 

● Shop smart for items like furniture, bedding, and home decor by comparing prices and looking for sales or discounts. 

● Repurposing or repairing items whenever possible instead of automatically replacing them, saving money and reducing waste. 

Other Tips to Save Money to Start or Raise a Family  

  • If you’re looking to start a family or prioritize your family’s financial future, consider denying yourself some pleasures to save money. Prioritize your long-term financial goals over short-term indulgences, and sacrifice some luxuries now for a more secure future for your family  
  • When it comes to kids’ toys and playthings, buy only what is needed and necessary. There are other physical activities that help to encourage creativity and imagination in children. 
  • Research and compare daycare options to find one that fits within your budget without sacrificing quality care for your child. 
  • You must not enroll your kids in every kid activity in your city.
  • Make it a lifestyle to make financial decisions based on what works best for your family’s needs and priorities, rather than trying to impress others or keep up with societal expectations. 
  • Involve your children in discussions about household finances and budgeting to teach them valuable money management skills from a young age. 

Remember, every little saving counts, and with careful planning and smart decision-making, you can achieve financial stability and security for your family. Start saving today and secure a brighter financial future for your loved ones.  

Ready to start contributing towards reaching your goal to buy or build a house? Sycamore is built for this. Get started, download the app here

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